Sunday, July 5, 2009

Weekly Schedule: Oh wow, again?

Man, how quickly a week passes, when there is so much to do. I am still pretty much unconnected from the community and the grapevine at large, remaining self-contained, but hopefully, if my Internet provider manages to fixes the quality of my connection I would be back in no time. For the same reason I got behind on so many of my posts with delays and undesirable quality involved. I am praying that this issue will be resolved soon and not just for one day as it happened on Friday, my off-work day, which I spent out of the house and couldn’t enjoy the connection. These issues aside here is my plan for this week.

Monday: I have a commentary on “Supernatural” Season 4. This is the TV series that gave me back hope that television can be saved from identical sit-coms.

Tuesday: I dish out my much promised review of “Raven” by John Lawson, a book that clicked on and off with me, but deserves attention from fans of the more brutal and edgy fantasy.

Wednesday: This has been long on my mind. I came across this amazing British horror mini-series called “Dead Set”, which combines fast moving zombies and Big Brother. It’s scary.

Thursday: It’s been some time since it came out, but “Coraline” is the sole gem in the 2009 movie releases so far. Plus it’s based on a Neil Gaiman writing, which sets it apart immediately.

Friday: Okay, it’s the Artist Corner again, but I have a treat. My guest is the awesome cover artist Chris McGrath, who has adorned some of your favorite titles with that slick noir image.

Saturday: God knows how overdue I am with this anthology, but I want to write a follow-up overall commentary on “The Living Dead”, so that it can feel finished for me.

Sunday: I have a new reviewer for “Reviewer Time”, the energetic Doug aka the SciFiGuy. I hope you are curious about it.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

You would not believe how excited for Coraline the movie on DVD I am. :)

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