Okay this was too damn funny to pass up. I sometimes do feel like stupid searching the things I have searched. If my firefox could speak, it would probably scream. I usually open pages from my bookmarks, so I don't type weird stuff in Firefox, but my weirdest so far as been about Ron Jeremy and you know what goes after that.... After watching One Eyed Monster, I seriously wanted to be sure about his attire down below.
I was horrified.
It was true...
What are your stupid searches and indecent searches?
Hahaha! I'm a Chrome user, so I'm one of those loyal hopefuls that are constantly anxious for new upgrades from Google. Some of my most stupid searches are actually common English idioms or figurative phrases I hear on TV or read in the Internet. Sometimes it's even English words which I've read the definitions of like a dozen of times already but just keep on forgetting because I never get to use them ;)
That's too cute. I have no idea what you were referring to, though -- what you looked up.
@ MD: Nevertheless we all use google as a search engine or at least most Internet users do. I don't think it's stupid what you search for. I was asking for idiotic topics like suicide monkeys or weaponized whales.
@ You wouldn't want to know...
lmao. I love this picture.
@ Hagel: It is now, isn't it?
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