Monday, August 31, 2009

Reviewer Time: Side Note

Another month has rolled by and suddenly I realized that it’s been three months since my “Reviewer Time” feature started and there are still so many people left unquestioned and uncommented.

I still have three month’s worth of commentaries and interviews to conduct, when the last one will air on December the 27th, if my calculations remain correct and there aren’t any sudden shifts in plans. Even with six months of these posts I am still just touching the tip of the iceberg and I mean the iceberg that is the speculative fiction reviewer blogs. My plan is to span over and branch towards other genre bloggers in order to see the different mind frame of readers that enjoy mainstream, mystery, thriller or historical novels.

In any case I plan on opening a group for signups on Book Blogs and Wonderlands around October, when supposedly I will have more free time. The summer caught me off guard with a demanding shift job, which didn’t allow me much time to prepare or organize myself, so that it’s all springing up in the moment. Well no longer. To do it properly I am even going to introduce you to this month’s participants.

September 6th: Paul Stotts from “Blood of the Muse”
September 13th: Michael from “Mad Hatter’s Bookshelf & Book Review”
September 20th: Graeme from “Graeme’s Fantasy Book Reviews”
September 27th: Colin Lesley from “Highlander’s Book Reviews”

As an extra special request, I am starting to post weekly the same question hoping to have some reaction for later month. The idea is that for September I will think up all the questions, which will finally be individualized depending on the reviewer. However from October I want to ask questions that you the readers always wanted to ask reviewers. So how does that feel as an idea?


Marcia Colette said...

Dangerous. LOL! I'm sure there are many writers who've always wanted to ask reviewers a question or two that involves boiling in hot oil or tar and feather. ;-) For me, I've learned (and it's been a long road to get there) not to take reviews personally. I use them as a learning tool before moving on to my next story.

Smirking Revenge said...

I adore your reviewer time as I have said before and cannot way to be an interviewee some time down the road. I look forward to it and have found some amazing blogs because of it. It is a large undertaking and you get a shiny smirking gold star from me for being so prolific a blogger and working hard away from the interwebs. Yeah Harry!

Harry Markov said...

Marcia: I am disappointed in you. No ice picks and axes. Tisk, tisk, tisk and yes it's a good thing that you do. Reviews are not personal and to one negative there are bound to be a few positive. There are just opinions and opinions always range.

Smirking: You will be contacted soon my darling. As I said I sat down, organized myself and you are in October. :) Oh, and super duper thanks for the gold star. It's hanging on my virtual wall.

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