Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July Releases List: Kinda...

Oh boy. Since the Internet connection decided to sabotage my awesome plan to present my lovely, patient readers with a list to match that of Fantasy Book Critic's I am a bit distraught and will post the measely number of 4 books during my graveyard shift, which I am sure are not as featured. Nevertheless, check out FBC's new and improved release list as well as that of SciFiGuy, who specializes in UF and that of Mark Chitty, who covers sci-fi so well. I am also afraid that links will have to be edited in later. So far my awesome list making skills are severely handicapped. Oh well. There is also August. *laugh, laugh*

Title: "Moxyland"
Author: Lauren Beukes
Release Date: 01 July
Publisher: Angry Robot
Blurb: You think you know what’s going on?
You think you know who’s really in power?
You have No. Fucking. Idea.

Moxyland is an ultra-smart thriller about technological progress, and the freedoms it removes. In the near future, four hip young things live in a world where your online identity is at least as important as your physical one. Getting disconnected is a punishment worse than imprisonment, but someone’s got to stand up to government inc., whatever the cost.

Title: Slights
Author: Kaaron Warren
Release Date: 01 July
Publisher: Angry Robot
Blurb:Stephanie is a killer.

After an accident in which her mother dies, she has a near-death experience, and finds herself in a room full of people – everyone she’s ever pissed off. They clutch at her, scratch and tear at her. But she finds herself drawn back to this place, again and again, determined to unlock its secrets. Which means she has to die, again and again.

And she starts to wonder whether other people see the same room… when they die.

Title: All You Need is Kill
Author: Hiroshi Sakurazaka
Release Date: 21 July
Publisher: Haikasoru
Blurb: When the alien Gitai invade, Keiji Kiriya is just one of many recruits shoved into a suit of battle armor called a Jacket and sent out to kill. Keiji dies on the battlefield, only to be reborn each morning to fight and die again and again. On his 158th iteration, he gets a message from a mysterious ally--the female soldier known as the Full Metal Bitch. Is she the key to Keiji's escape or his final death?

Title: The Lords of the Sands of Time
Author: Issui Ogawa
Release Date: 21 07 09
Publisher: Haikasoru
Blurb: Sixty-two years after human life on Earth was annihilated by rampaging alien invaders, the enigmatic Messenger O is sent back in time with a mission to unite humanity of past eras--during the Second World War, in ancient Japan, and at the dawn of humanity--to defeat the invasion before it begins. However, in a future shredded by love and genocide, love waits for O. Will O save humanity only to doom himself?

1 comment:

Mark David said...

"All You Need is Kill" and "The Lords of the Sands of Time" sounds interesting :)

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